Spicy Corn Fritters for Yumday!
On December 2, Yumday celebrated National Fritters Day, which gave me a chance to bring back an old favorite—spicy corn fritters! I've been making these corn fritters since college, and they're a favorite appetizer/snack in my home.
These fritters are incredibly easy to make. In a large mixing bowl, simply combine whole corn kernels, finely sliced green beans (I guess these should actually be called "spicy corn AND GREEN BEAN fritters"), minced garlic, sliced red chilis or red chili flakes (add as much or as little as you want), chopped cilantro, cornmeal, and egg. Mix it all up, then form little patties by hand, and fry the patties in a bit of peanut oil. And voila, you have tasty fritters! I love to squeeze some fresh lime juice on them right before serving to add some brightness with each bite.
There are a bunch of recipes online for corn fritters with interesting variations. Some use rice wine vinegar in the mixtures. Others use jalapeños instead of red chilis. One website has a recipe for an avocado and chili jam for dipping your corn fritters. I might have to try that one sometime!
But no matter how you choose to make your fritters, one thing is certain... There won't be any leftovers! (I can eat a tall stack of these in a matter of minutes. No kidding!)
Happy eating! 😋