Hello, I’m Lia.

I’m a busy lady with an adventurous appetite and a serious case of wanderlust. Nice to meet you!

My Work

After more than 15 years in the corporate world, with a decade of that spent in the entertainment industry as a strategic communications executive at major studios and lifestyle media brands, I decided to take the leap into entrepreneurship. 🎢 WHEEE! Today, I’m a strategy consultant and foodie-preneur; and I’m following my curiosity and enthusiasm for joyful and creative living (and eating!).

As an independent communications and strategy consultant, I work with mission-driven people and organizations to grow their impact and optimize their operations. Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to help a wide range of clients: from creating pitch decks for tech startups that resulted in venture capital investments to developing marketing and development strategies to increase visibility and donor support for a nonprofit focused on food access and sustainability.

I’m also the founder of Yumday, a curated snack shop and snack box subscription company featuring women- and BIPOC-led food brands. It’s a hub for discovering your new favorite snacks from remarkable people. It’s also where I share food stories and celebrate the folks who are changing food and beverage culture today. (Check out Yumday on Instagram!)

Want to work together? Learn more about my experience and how I can drive transformation for your purpose-driven brand here.

My Life

I’m a hardcore foodie. The camera always eats first! I’m a pianist, guitarist, and novice ukulele player who dabbles with percussion and electronic music on occasion. My favorite movies are “Amelie” and “Pineapple Express” (this combo should tell you a lot about me). I love graphic design, street art, and immersive art experiences. And my favorite book of all time is The Little Prince — I read it every year.

My husband Brandon is an iOS developer, photographer, and homebrewer. We're the loving parents of a little beefcake pit bull rescue named Marty, and we were so lucky to have the smartest and cutest cat named Miu-Mius and the handsomest and most loving pit bull named Otis. I’m sure they’re up there in kitty and doggy heaven playing together.

Other interesting things about me: I hope to get my private pilot license someday. (I’ve logged some hours already!) My latest Myers-Briggs results show that I’m an ENFJ, although I used to be an ENFP for years. In grad school I nerded out on Restoration comedies, and my Master’s thesis was on early Gothic literature. (Any Horace Walpole fans out there???) And I’m a former reality TV star. Here’s my IMDB page. 😉😂

👩🏻 My Pronouns: She/Her
📍 Currently: Wilmington, NC

Proud Board Member of:
👩🏻‍🌾 Farmshare Austin
🎬 Working Films

Who am I? I’m a…
  • Enjoy these stories of my eating and cooking adventures. Plus, find more delicious content at Yumday!

  • I love creating art and capturing decisive moments through the lens. View my latest photographs here.

  • Follow along as I explore places near and far. Check out my arts and culture and travel posts. (Coming soon!)

As Seen In